Now when I have taken part to some N4 on-line races, I am
still more eager to make WinVROC work...
Some time ago I asked advice, and now I can get even the
race list. But I get the well known(?) problem, which is
also described it the VROC page:
All Races are Red
Host and Join Buttons are Grayed Out
WinVROC window will show an invalid GPL version (GPL.0.0.0.x).
And I made all, what was adviced on the same page:
1. Check WinVROC's Options sheet and make sure that the path to GPL is
actually pointing to your GPL installation.
2. Uninstall WinVROC. Using Regedit, remove the WinVROC key from the
registry. Reinstall WinVROC.
3. Use JavaVROC to host or join races.
No change in the working of WinVROC! JavaVROC did not show the
race list at all!
I sent also my problem to their support: the message started from
WinVROC help is pre-filled:
"For best results, do not change the subject line. If this is related
to a hosting and/or joining problem, please attach GPLParams.txt,
located in your WinVROC folder."
This is strange! I do not have any GPLParams.txt file?! Should I?
Perhaps the support will answer, but it might be faster, if someone
here knows the solution.