I came from TEN, where I was on for over a year. I cancelled my account
last month, and for the first time I tried out GSB tonight. I'm not kidding
when I say that tonight's experience was better then any experience I had in
over a year on TEN.
First, the people on there are the friendliest mo-fo's you could ask to
race against. Very, very nice folks. No whiney 15-year-olds, like on TEN.
No idiots spamming the chat rooms. Just friendly friggin people.
Secondly, the interface on GSB is very easy to use. Kudos to the
Third, little-to-NO lag during the race. There was 10 of us I
believe......I have cable, so I pinged like 60-70 to the server. And there
was very little lag. To be honest, it was equal to IF NOT BETTER then TEN.
I am not joking. I cannot believe I didn't try this out sooner, because I
would have been off of TEN in a flash.