A must have application written by a super fellow racer for all of
His words, not mine.....................
5 April 1999
GPL Spy Boy Released (v1.0.0.90)
Features Include
- Native Win32 VROC Client (including hosting and joining support).
- Integrated support for GPL Address Book (including editor) and GPL
NetAgent like functionality.
- Route inspector to check your Internet route to the host.
- Use of a tiny launcher program to launch GPL, completely removing GSB from
memory while GPL is running and consuming almost no CPU cycles.
- Integrated IRC client to provide race chat area ... extensive
customization provided to include the transferring of setups, standings,
url's, server info. Ability to provide separate league chat areas.
- VROC Stamp of Approval ... fully coordinated effort with the VROC staff.
Check it out at: http://www.racesimcentral.net/
Spread the word, its Dyngus Day and I'm outta here to partake in the
Larry Holbert