Personally I feel that the difficulty in creating circuits is not
necessarily a bad thing. Why?
Because only those who are really dedicated will put in the time and effort
required to not only learn the system but to also create something
If it were a simple(er) system, there would be more chaff than wheat. At
the very least we have been able to look forward to QUALITY output from
David and, I am sure, the GPLEA.
That suits me down to the ground. Thanks for your and your other team
members efforts, Matt.
Bruce Kennewell,
Canberra, Australia.
> >Phil, I'm sure you know a lot more right now, right?
> >It's just a bit strange to me that in the beginning, you were very much
> >into the "public domain" stuff, making an editor available, etc, and now
> >it's all secretive and obscure. There are so many people wanting to make
> >tracks, and some of them will be excellent (like in GP2). I for one want
> >to.... but can't.
> >I'm sure Paul Hoad will return his attention to GPL as soon as people
> >contribute. If you know things about fileformat, he can build a nice
> >editor. I just got the feeling lately that you were NOT willing to share
> >your discoveries.
> One reason for this...
> Have you seen the track yet?
> Guess not :-)
> We have been stating that we *will* release the tools when they are ready.
> If we did let them out, we would have absolutely nothing to do but to
> "how to's"...
> Simply put; Phil, David, Paul and a few others are in a league of their
> Don't ever expect that anybody could sit down to make these tracks! It
> Phil 1,5 years to get where he is now, I'm sure David spent the same
> of time, and you expect to learn this in a whiff?
> So, please, be patient, and stop pulling people's legs. See what happened
> Paul Hoad.
> Best,
> Matt/GPLEA
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