Yesterday I picked up a Logitech Formula Force Wheel for GPL 1.1. This
was an upgrade from my Thrustmaster Formula 1 and am still getting used
to having actual pedals on the floor (they work just fine for me, not
really having used any others), rather than the GP1's paddle
throttle/brake which I've gotton -so- used to over time. I think
Logitech is benefitting from this 1.1 release of GPL...I got this wheel
due to it's reported (here in RAS) low CPU usage and great FF
implementation (in both GPL and other racing sims) and so far, I've been
Now for the tip (this has more than likely been reported but I'll
mention it again for the new Logitech FF owners out there). What I
noticed about the Logitech Profiler was the insane amount of memory used
when it's running...8.41mb according to Norton Sysinfo. The profiler is
only needed if you want to do custom key/button mapping...this is almost
always accomplished from within the game you're running so the profiler
is eating up ram for nothing if you have it running in the taskbar. All
other wheel settings/adjustments like FF strength and pedal combining
are adjustable via control panel/game controllers/properties. To keep
the profiler from loading up at startup click on start/run type in
"msconfig" (no quotes) and hit ok. Under the "startup" tab, uncheck
"Lwinst Run Profiler" and hit ok. Reboot the system and no more the opposite to re-enable it or just run it as needed from
start menu/programs/Logitech Wingman/Wingman Profiler.
Sergey Zakharov