But maybe GPaL Version 1.1 will help soothe the pain...
A great sim is about to get even better! Announcing...
GPaL - "The Essential Companion to GPL"
...a single screen interface to Grand Prix Legends that will offer GPL enthusiasts the following features.
GPaL Features
a.. Select Track, Mode, Car, and Driver from fast, easy, familiar dropdown lists. Tired of joining a race only to discover you're driving the wrong car, have the wrong setup, or are using the wrong driver?
a.. Select car type (F1/2/3) from a dropdown without having to create a new driver and edit an INI file. Ready for some quick and easy, ultra-competitive Formula 3 action?
a.. Select grid layouts from a dropdown. A little less starting grid mayhem perhaps with a less accident-inviting grid?
a.. Select race distances of virtually any length at any level (Novice, Intermediate, Pro) using a slider. Drive 'til you drop at the level of your choice!
a.. Select AI strength using a single slider and maintain a history of AI settings for training purposes (by car by track by driver). If you think
you're too fast or too slow for the AI, you haven't tried GPaL!
a.. Select the range of speeds of the AI using a slider. It's infinitely variable between the tightest of fields and the loosest of fields. Makes for incredible racing and the best training available anywhere if you create a tightly-bunched field at your current speed. If this won't teach you to concentrate, nothing will!
a.. Select a car type for the entire AI field from a dropdown. Really test your mettle with single marque races with the now dialed-in AI.
a.. Select user-defined graphic settings from a dropdown without having to change to a different driver or make changes to the GPL options screen. The end of menu-hopping and repetitive mouse-click injuries!
a.. Select virtually every other option buried across the many, slow GPL screens from a single screen.
a.. Enjoy all this and more...possibly as soon as the next 7-14 days!
Want a sneak preview of the screen? Take a look at www.RaceLive.com/GPaL/screenshot.htm and tell me what you think!
Soon it will be a lot easier and a lot faster to...See you on the track!
Jack Rambo