% Thanks everyone for your posts - having read them I'm glad that
% there are others in a similar position.
% I'm going to give it a few more weeks practice. Perhaps
% I'll post some lap times then if things get better, and we can all see
% whether
% we've improved or not. Here's hoping.
% PJ
There are alot of things at play for getting the handle on GPL.
1) CPU horsepower
2) graphics horsepower
3) controller precision
The faster your computer and graphics card is, the easier you will find
it to climb the plateaus in GPL. That's right, there are plateaus in
GPL. It seems that there is a huge struggle to get to plateau and the
next higher plateau is even harder to achieve. But guess what, this is
exactly true in auto racing (except for the very few extremeley talented
and gifted racers). You also need a good controlling system (i.e.,
wheels and pedals -- or at least joystick and pedals).
That's where the consistency comes from, precise controllers.
Especially throttle and brake control. This is the key to getting
around most GPL circuits. To be fast and consistent you will find that
most of your real control over the car is with your feet.
I know exactly where some of you are at, the frustration level is high.
Just last night, as I raced on-line via VROC, I was amazed at my ability
to stay on the track and be fast at the Glen and Monza (where most of my
seat time -- or feet time has been). I was flashing back to when I
could only get one good lap out of 30 at 1:10 at the Glen. Now, don't
get me wrong, I am still far from being the fastest or the most
consistent (but a string of race laps in the mid to low 1:07's are
pretty good).
Anyway, as I ramble, the main point I'm trying to make, it will and
can come, but stop trying to go fast until you learn to "feel" the car
and the track. Step back and grab Alison's Coventry setups
<http://nh.ultranet.com/~alison/gpl/coventry.htm> and learn what a good
setup feels like and how to attack a certain track. Work on consistency
and sooner or later speed and even more speed will come.
For quite some time (here he goes again, rambling....), I tried to be
FAST, and read all of the tips on where to brake and where to turn at
the Glen. Well, guess what, everytime I tried applying these late
braking points and turning points, the worse I got, honest. So I gave
it up and just concentrated on being consistent, once I got the "feel"
down (and this is important, you need to have a "feel" for the car and
the track), I found that my times have increased (race fast lap at the
Glen 1:06.42). And also, low and behold, I was actually braking at
those magical late braking points.
For an inexpensive, but precise controller, I would recommend the
Thrustmaster NASCAR Super Sport wheel and pedal combination. It has
helped me alot in finding the sweet zone in GPL.
[sorry for the rambling incoherent post...]
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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