> Your posts convinced me to buy GPL....what a sim!! I have a question.
> In an effort to better learn the sim, I am trying to install setups and
> recorded hot laps from various websites. How is this done?? I have
> downloaded some setups and laps but do not know where to put them. What
> are the file extensions for the setups and replays? I am very familiar
> with the N2/N99 methods. Is GPL similar? Please advise this e***d
> future GPL racer on how to do this. Also, any good sites where proven
> setups can be found. Thank you all in advance.
If you really want to go fast, though, Schubi's website at
http://www.racesimcentral.net/~schubi/index.htm lists the top 100 hotlaps for
each track, with a replays and setup for each hotlap, so you can take
your pick!
Personally I use Wolfgang Woeger's Lotus setups, which was a bit of a
shock to say the least when I first tried them, as he uses 200lb
rollbars front and rear, so it was like driving on ice for a while!
Now that I can more or less point the car in a straight line, though, I
find I'm going much faster with his setups than with the defaults - it
oversteers much more easily, but that makes the turns faster.
Anyway, the great thing about this site is that the setups have
definitely been proven!
Replays should have the extension ".rpy" and should be placed in GPL's
"replay" directory.
See the readme.txt under the heading "CAR SETUPS" for the file
extensions use by car setups. Car setups should be placed in...
<gpl_home_dir>\players\<last>__<first>\setups\<track>\. For me, that
turns out to be