: When I race and there's other cars ahead of me - it stutters - badly.
No such problems here...
-W2K SP1, DX8
-PIII933, 384 MB PC133
-Intel D815EEA MB
-Radeon 32DDR 3102 drivers
-SB Live Digital w/ Dell's LW3 drivers
-GPL 1.2 (or whatever the official Papy patch is) w/ D3D patch, hi-res
***pit and 3D wheels on two car makes.
ACPI fully functional with Radeon and SBLive on the same IRQ (and 5 other
I do get occasional slight stuttering near the end of a short novice AI race
(I'm not good enough for the intermediate races). I attribute that to
perhaps the replay file being written to disk as available RAM decreases but
that's a guess as I've never tried a longer race to see what happens.
As a shot in the dark... is your pagefile a reasonable size?