finally bought a copy of the game, GPL, I realize that I'm a really
crappy driver! I can't get around a corner without skidding into the
grass and flipping over a couple of times. I know, go slower. But
I'm used to powering through those corners in NFS. It's very
frustrating. When I take a corner I try to brake and drop the gear
down a notch or 2 but I ended up skidding anyways. I sounds like I'm
over revving the engine. I find myself driving in the grass a lot.
:-) Any tips/sites for me to learn how to drive better in GPL?
GPL is probably the best looking game I've seen so far. The attention
to detail is phenomenal. You actually see the "Firestone" logo on the
tires as they're turning! And the stick position when you shift gears
etc. Amazing.