To get a clearer progress on car editing, I'm trying to get my sim to
use the GPL-type cars. This will make comparisons easier so searching
for faults in the physics is easier.
As always, differentials are not really my piece of cake, but well.
I'm trying to come up with a nice pipeline'd tree structure which
describes the driveline, like:
clutch (not really a component)
/ \
/ \ / \
Where E=engine, G=gearbox, CD=central differential, FD/RD=front/rear
diff, FL/FR/RL/RR=frontleft upto rear-right wheels.
The idea is still to be worked out completely, but I have a hunch that
I start a torque flow at the top (the engine) down to the bottom, add
input from below (road reaction and braking forces) and after all
that, I calculate results using something like:
Where ofcourse I'll meet problems probably that braking torques don't
really behave like applied torques, but as potentially applied torques
(so I don't think I can just add braking torques to the whole system).
Don't know yet how to tackle that (some time ago some discussions were
done about locking axles when braking was applied; like a lock mask
for each diff; formulas get really complex if you want a closed form
for a 3 diff car).
The above btw is for a rally car with 3 diffs, and the GPL cars
ofcourse have only 1 diff. The differential is, so far I know, a
Salisbury one. Which means clutches. Now, let's throw in some points:
- Each clutch has a certain maximum torque it can generate; this is
much like a brake (in that it only generates torque when requested
to). Right?
- How much Nm (torque) could a clutch approximately generate, or is
this somehow calculatable from GPL's settings.
- When the diff actually starts slipping (when the torque bias ratio
is crossed), can I assume the clutch will counter with exactly its
maximum torque (i.e. just like static and dynamic friction, IF the
clutch starts slipping, won't its locking torque diminish by half for
example; the same if you push a cupboard; once it starts sliding, it
is much easier to keep it sliding).
- I have a formula which seems to give the torque bias ratio;
cos(angle)*(1+clutches). Clutches come in pairs. You have 2 angles in
GPL; power on and power off (engine braking).
So for 2 clutches and 30 degree angles, you get cos(30)*(1+2)=2.598.
Would it be right if I took this as the torque bias ratio? I'm not too
sure namely.
So I would keep the diff locked until the torque bias ratio (and
preload) is overcome, then start unlocking, where the clutches keep on
generating their maximum torque to try and keep both wheels rotating
at the same speed. Not too sure if this is what the diff does, since a
diff is said to 'open up' at high torque differences, and this seems
more like a brake which can only apply so much torque. At its limit,
it just keeps trying to lock the axle with its maximum available
Thanks for any comments on this,
Ruud van Gaal
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