tracks and cars all in one place, and have found none. If anybody knows of a
place, please tell me, or I will write my own.
Secondly, while listening in on some of the car physics questions in this
newsgroup, I have been left wondering wtf you are all on about sometimes. I
am writing my own simulator, but some of the things you mention have never
factored into my calculations at all. I am hoping this is like Carmack at id
software, who is always talking about memory stuff in his 3d engines that I
never encountered when I wrote mine (software too, no easy Glide or OpenGL).
Maybe there needs to be a more descriptive website and code series. I d/l
some open source sims, but the graphics and input systems and odd ways of
organising programs just leave me confused. And the whole DirectX and OpenGL
libs just fudge the matter even further. Maybe somebody should do a tutorial
set like the OpenGL tutorials I once read which were amazing (although I
don't remember the URL), they started off with just creating a window, a
cube, spinning cube and moved on to realtime collision detection and
reflections and suchlike. Somebody please do a basic sim tutorial to ground
so many more people on the topic and hopefully generate many more open
source racing sims to improve the current state of the genre.