If someone out there...Ruud, Doug or Sebastien has 10 mins... read
this out and tell me if Im missing something in this approach...
I've modelled everything using torques..let's focus on the
differential..we've Te (torque from the engine) T1 and T2 (torque from
the wheels)...
Im doing this in steps...first I use engine torque then wheels...
So, for the engine is simple...the torque is split 50% on both
sides...and that should be indipendent from wheels rotational speed...
so the wheels are accellerated by this torque..
Then I get the feedback torques... now if they have the same signs, im
using the "common module" to to feed back the engine... the difference
is then transfered to the less resistent wheel...
Example... if I have T1=50 and T2=20 ... I send 40 (that is 20*2) back
to the engine and 30 across the differential to the less resistent
wheel...with fipped signs...
If the feedback torques are opposite in signs...nothing goes to the
engine but everything is sent across the axles (always the difference
of curse, flipped signs)...
Now I have well counter spinning if u apply a torque on a wheel...
everything is looks fine...
Does anybody see something wrong? It looks so simple (too simple
actually..compared to Gregor solution used by Ruud)...
I still havent plugged it into the main code...
Feedback'll much appreciated..
P.S. Doug I've spent weeks looking at that "lever" analogy in your
book...still doesnt make any sense to me... sometimes I feel so