>Brake model. Okay, yeah. What about multiplayer? LMAO it's so bad even
>NASCAR heat has better multi!
I'll go back to VROC or give some prototypes in Racing Legends a whirl
once some of the car design tools are released (in say, 5 to 10 years)
but until then eh
Have you played F1 2002 Frank? I don't think it's quite up to
Crammond or Papy standards textyre-saturation wise, but it's much much
better than SCGT or the other F1 games. There are occasions at
certain tracks when I'm watching a full-quality TV replay and thinking
"damn, this looks good". The first time I booted it up and loaded
Monaco I was actually disappointed because it seemed so dull, then I
realized that it seemed dull because most of the textures had been
toned down.
Pansy Division fan by chance? =)