Install Prob - NASCAR 3

Brett C. Cammac

Install Prob - NASCAR 3

by Brett C. Cammac » Fri, 07 Jan 2000 04:00:00

Anybody ever have the NASCAR3 just kinda lock up during install just after
the first "InstallShield is preparing for install" dialog comes up?  Just
sits there.

Funny thing is that I can jump on the internet, check my email and post
this message, but Windows Explorer freezes, displaying only the directories
and files on the right pane and the left drive and folders pane blank.
Nothing but an hourglass.  Have to three-finger salute it and end that

Running Win95 OSR2

Any ideas greatly appreciated.  I'm dying to fire this puppy up after all
I've read about it!

Brett & Carole Cammack
That's Racing! Motorsports
Pompano Beach, FL

Brett C. Cammac

Install Prob - NASCAR 3

by Brett C. Cammac » Sun, 09 Jan 2000 04:00:00

Was my old, coal-fired CD-ROM.  Beating the system registry with a baseball
bat straightened it right out... <g>

Brett & Carole Cammack
That's Racing! Motorsports
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