> Pretty Sad Phoenix...
> Do you even hear yourself? "It's ok to steal"... So long as it's from a
> "Big Corp"??? OMFG.. No they can't afford people stealing their products
> despite your warped logic. Loser!
Frankly, only a tosser spends his money paying full price on the
latest albums and games. Myself, I have to study AND work for a
living, which doesn't give me an awful lot of cash at the end of the
Think about it this way; the last album I bought was The Rising by
Bruce Springs***. It cost me 16.99 and there were only two songs on
it I liked. Had I downloaded those songs from the net it would only
have taken a few minutes of my time and cost me absolutely nothing.
Now, if enough people download his songs instead of buying his albums,
Bruce may have to go without the latest jet, but I'm willing to live
with that.
Do you consider it 'sad' to buy a concert ticket from a street seller
at the last minute, which costs you three times as much, even though
the band won't see half of that? Is it sad when
Also, do you consider it sad if I buy a game or an album second hand?
The original artist/developer doesn't see a penny of the profit may
when I buy it, but I'm still getting a copy of it. So what's the
difference between buying a game second hand, or copying it? None.
Nuff said!