You can drive any car you purchase in testing but not join any online
sessions without the appropriate licence.
It will take a while to race the Radical though as this is in the fourth
class. So you have to race the Solstice (Rookie), Skip Barber (Class D)
and Mazda (Class C) before the Radical.
It will take 4 weeks to get promoted from Rookie and then 12 weeks to
get promoted to the next class and so on. Although with a high enough
Safety Rating (4 and above) you can "race up" to the next class. So you
could hold a Class D licence and race in the Mazda if your Safety Rating
is high enough. You can only race up one class though and need to wait
for promotion at the end of the 12 weeks.
Having said all that, I personally find the Skip Barber a lot of fun and
have no hankering to drive the Radical at this stage.
There isn't even a Radical series yet as the maximum current licence is
a class C based on the number of promotions that have been run since the
ratings were reset at the beginning of the beta.
If driving the Radical is a must then you may be well be frustrated by
the length of time it will take. This is very different from any other
sim in this regard.
I would recommend trying for a month but you really should try the Skip
Barber in that trial which I am afraid is more $. I would say it is well
worth it but it is your money!
Right now, for RC, that's Solstice (Rookie) -> Skippy (Class D) -> Mazda
(Class C) -> ??????? (Class B). We do not know what Class B is yet. There
are no class B drivers and will not be until promotions at the end of the
current season.
As long as you reach and maintain a Safety Rating (SR) score of 4.0 or
higher, you can race up one class. For example, if you reach 4.0SR as a
Rookie, you can officially race in the Skippy. If you are a Class D and
reach a 4.0SR, you can officially race in the Mazda. There is no racing up
from Class C at this time as there are no Class B cars in effect. We don't
know what those cars will be yet.
What's the class for the Radical?
People assume Class B will be the Radical because it's the only other RC car
left on the list right now.
But I remind everyone the Silver Crown showed up at the last minute just
before the controlled roll-out started, and it's currently the Class C Oval
car. In other words, we have no idea what suprises await :)
>> You can practice in any car/track you own. However to join official
>> races you must go through the promotion process.
>> Right now, for RC, that's Solstice (Rookie) -> Skippy (Class D) -> Mazda
>> (Class C) -> ??????? (Class B). We do not know what Class B is yet.
>> There are no class B drivers and will not be until promotions at the end
>> of the current season.
>> As long as you reach and maintain a Safety Rating (SR) score of 4.0 or
>> higher, you can race up one class. For example, if you reach 4.0SR as a
>> Rookie, you can officially race in the Skippy. If you are a Class D and
>> reach a 4.0SR, you can officially race in the Mazda. There is no racing
>> up from Class C at this time as there are no Class B cars in effect. We
>> don't know what those cars will be yet.
>> -Larry
> What's the class for the Radical?