Day 28 in the Big iRacing house <-- warning, long and about iRacing

Andrew MacPhers

Day 28 in the Big iRacing house <-- warning, long and about iRacing

by Andrew MacPhers » Thu, 28 Aug 2008 21:39:00

Andrew is in the diary room...

[What can we do for you Andrew?]

Cheaper subscription? Free content as you earn it instead of being milked
for every extra car or track?

[Not a hope.]

Free racing for backmarkers then... think of it as a charitable act
nurturing immature drivers.

[Dream on.]

How about a time machine so I can go back and never join, saving myself
from ever having to drive that lousy Solstice, bore r.a.s. with my posts,
and appear such a fool for flip-flopping on whether to stay on or not?

[I don't think we can do that.]

How about peace in Afghanistan and an end to Cold War II and instability
in Pakistan?

[No, not that either.]

They've got nukes remember.

[Big iRacing isn't afraid of nukes, only free will and hacking.]

Ok, it was worth a try.

[So are you still flip-flopping?]

Only when I forget to do my zipper up.

[How hilarious. If only your driving was as sharp as your razor sharp

Now who's being sarcastic?

[Forgive me. But remember Big iRacing and its housemates can see every
race you've had, every off you've offed, every pathetically slow lap
you've turned. So it's very funny listening to you pretending to be a sim
racer when we all know you're just a pathetic little wannabe clogging up
the virtual tracks.]

Aren't you supposed to listen and let me talk?

[Go on then. If you must.]

If you've reached here, congratulations. I expect I'm talking to about
three people now, and all of you will be familiar with my love-hate
relationship with iRacing.

And I really do want to hate it. There are *so* many things about the
pricing and prescriptive <'allo_'allo>you vill do ziss ant you vill haff
fun!</allo_'allo> structure that I want to dislike intensely. And no
matter how many times I'm told the Solstice is good for me, I will never
forgive them for making me drive the darned thing for a whole week of my
life. I'll never get that week back!

So last weekend, after that race I'd enjoyed so much, I decided not to
race again in my final week of subscription. No risk of enjoying myself
again if I don't drive, right? No danger of going back on my decision to
step away from the credit card for at least a month.

Well, I made it up to this morning. Then I booted up the games box and
put myself in the Solstice at Laguna... a combination of car and track I
hate more than any other. Nothing to lose, just foot down and push as
hard as I can while I can still access the code.

Result? No joy whatsoever. Ne pleasure pas. Zilch, nada. No speed, no
thrill, no satisfaction. Just frustration. Which is exactly what I
wanted... it confirmed all my prejudices and suspicions about my driving.
As some say on iRacing, if you can't drive the Solstice well you're
probably just a lousy sim racer. Deal with it.

But I once said -- here I'm sure -- that I'd drive anything Papyrus
coded... it's about racing and their skill at convincing you it's real,
not the shape and weight of the car. Well, obviously I was wrong.
Sometimes driving your chair around your desk can be more satisfying than
a car which doesn't suit you.

Ok, so I then made a mistake. Last weekend I did very few laps in the
Skip Barber ready for this week's Lime Rock race. But today I decided to
throw myself straight into a time trial. After all, if I leave I will
still remain on the iRacing stats, and my secret (and, I'm certain,
humiliating) iRating & ttRating will soon be visible to everyone there.
So I might as well try to improve things a little before I go.

And I had an *embarrassing* amount of fun pushing the Skip Barber around
Lime Rock. Maybe partially because I didn't really care any more, and
maybe because it's a small track with lots of long corners to force the
car round. I had the back end out for a change, I ignored the prospect of
not scoring if I had an incident, and I got my previous best down from
about 1:02.5 to *just* under 1:01. Not earth shaking, not in danger of
troubling those getting 1:57s, but a fair improvement, with an average
over my best 8 laps of slightly over 1:02 (I backed off towards the end
to ensure 8 straight laps without an incident).

By the time I'd finished, the 12:15 GMT race was coming up, so... yes,
you guessed it. I raced and enjoyed myself immensely. I started last and
-- thanks to a combination of luck and discos -- finished much higher
despite going off at one point (rather elegantly even if I say so myself,
looking at the replay afterwards). I found another driver of very similar
ability, and also had plenty of clean interaction with faster drivers who
were less consistent.

In short, I remembered exactly why this bl**dy sim is so ***ive. The
Skip Barber in iRacing *is* GPL2, there is no doubt -- in my mind at
least -- about it. The mystical balance of visual, aural, and force
feedback which made GPL such a satisfying experience has been reborn for
the 21st century.

I always said I'd crawl over broken glass to get GPL2. So surely forking
out a lump of money and putting up with a rigid racing structure I don't
really like is much less painful?

Andrew McP... up for eviction from r.a.s. ;-)

[Please vote him out!]


Day 28 in the Big iRacing house <-- warning, long and about iRacing

by Rob » Fri, 29 Aug 2008 02:36:33

You'll come back..... They always come back.....




Day 28 in the Big iRacing house <-- warning, long and about iRacing

by pdot.. » Fri, 29 Aug 2008 04:43:24

> And no
> matter how many times I'm told the Solstice is good for me, I will never
> forgive them for making me drive the darned thing for a whole week of my
> life. I'll never get that week back!

I don't understand this attitude at all.  There was some frustration
for me with the Solstice at Laguna, but I did the best I could with
it, and found more speed over time.  I never had the visceral negative
reaction to the rookie car that others have.  True, it's not a lot of
fun compared to the higher level cars.  I'll probably never drive one
again.  But while I was driving it, it was just a car that I was
trying to go fast in, and that is always fun on some level.

Maybe the difference is having enough real life seat time to have
experienced a poorly handling vehicle?

I've had plenty of bad rental karts that didn't want to turn, but I
had already spent my money, so I just went as fast as I could with
it.  There were other times with my own kart where I missed the setup
and was way off the pace.  I just did the best I could.

Frustrating?  Yes.  But it's still better being on a race track than
on a tennis court or golf course.  Guess I approached the rookie
Solstice the same way and was happy just to drive it to its (and my)

Pat Dotson

Andrew MacPhers

Day 28 in the Big iRacing house <-- warning, long and about iRacing

by Andrew MacPhers » Fri, 29 Aug 2008 05:45:00

> I don't understand this attitude at all.

Whereas I can understand your attitude completely... I can understand why
some people might get a thrill out of training a particularly stubborn
dog. But I just can't make the Solstice entertaining in any way, shape or
form. The strange thing is though that it's not that much slower (the way
I drive it :-) than the Skip Barber... only a matter of 4 or 5 seconds a
lap around Lime Rock. But that 4 or 5 seconds feels like an eternity!

I am increasingly convinced that the Solstice is a way of finding out if
you're made of the Right Stuff for iRacing. Not as a driver, but as a
member of the gated community which iRacing is.

I remain torn, very painfully, over whether to continue. It's the most
difficult decision I've ever had to make over something as silly as a
computer game. I'm embarrassed at how easily I swing from positive to
negative and back again. It really is sim crack. I'm definitely going to
give up... until the withdrawal symptoms come back.

Andrew McP

PS I've even wondered if my Solstice aversion was down to a controller
issue. But I'm fine with the other cars, so it must just be me!

Goy Larse

Day 28 in the Big iRacing house <-- warning, long and about iRacing

by Goy Larse » Thu, 11 Sep 2008 05:16:11

> Andrew is in the diary room...

Still the nutter Andrew :), it's too bad really that we've never (to my
knowledge) crossed paths on a virtual race track out there, and
according to your own evaluation of your skills that may be just as well
for the iRating I don't have....and never will have, but I think I would
have enjoyed it



Day 28 in the Big iRacing house <-- warning, long and about iRacing

by Tony » Thu, 11 Sep 2008 07:25:04

>> Andrew is in the diary room...

> Still the nutter Andrew :), it's too bad really that we've never (to my
> knowledge) crossed paths on a virtual race track out there, and
> according to your own evaluation of your skills that may be just as well
> for the iRating I don't have....and never will have, but I think I would
> have enjoyed it
> Goy

the return of RAS's favourite uncle... :)

I have just had a great idea, I think I will call it iRascar. Get DGF,
Simmo & Mitch on the blower, stock up with popcorn and lets get this
show on the road!



Day 28 in the Big iRacing house <-- warning, long and about iRacing

by hoove » Thu, 11 Sep 2008 17:25:51

> I have just had a great idea, I think I will call it iRascar. Get DGF,
> Simmo & Mitch on the blower, stock up with popcorn and lets get this
> show on the road!

> Cheers
> Tony

That sounds like fun, and who knows with iR considering open servers
in their latest customer survey... ;->

cheers, Uwe


Goy Larse

Day 28 in the Big iRacing house <-- warning, long and about iRacing

by Goy Larse » Sat, 13 Sep 2008 06:17:30

>>> Andrew is in the diary room...

>> Still the nutter Andrew :), it's too bad really that we've never (to
>> my knowledge) crossed paths on a virtual race track out there, and
>> according to your own evaluation of your skills that may be just as
>> well for the iRating I don't have....and never will have, but I think
>> I would have enjoyed it

>> Goy

> the return of RAS's favourite uncle... :)

> I have just had a great idea, I think I will call it iRascar. Get DGF,
> Simmo & Mitch on the blower, stock up with popcorn and lets get this
> show on the road!

Hehe, those were the days, at least on here DGF wouldn't get banned ;)

Good to see there's still some familiar faces around here, I'm still
convinced this web based forum thing is a passing fad....



Day 28 in the Big iRacing house <-- warning, long and about iRacing

by John » Sat, 13 Sep 2008 06:30:43

> I remain torn, very painfully, over whether to continue. It's the most
> difficult decision I've ever had to make over something as silly as a
> computer game. I'm embarrassed at how easily I swing from positive to
> negative and back again. It really is sim crack. I'm definitely going to
> give up... until the withdrawal symptoms come back.

> Andrew McP

I can assure you the Barbie (I refuse to call it the Skippy!) at LRP
is not sim crack. It might be skunk - and it is most certainly not the
***-free, what's-the-point-lager that the Solstice is - but it's
not sim-crack. If you're looking for sim crack, I would recommend sir
try a seat in the Legends Weekly Road Racing league.
That is fun :-)  The car drives (and sounds) like a demented wasp, and
changes direction like it's trying to throw you out - the wheelbase is
so short that it's just absolutely alive to every minute weight
transfer and movement of the throttle. They're not tough to drive -
but they're insanely tough to drive fast! Watching the aliens throw
these things around is pretty jaw-dropping. In GPL I understood WHAT
they were doing, I just couldn't do it. Here, nope, not a clue how you
throw this around and stay within 100m of the track.

Go on, you know you want to - all the cool kids are doing it ;-)  The
first hit is free....
(Damn, no it isn't....!)


Andrew MacPhers

Day 28 in the Big iRacing house <-- warning, long and about iRacing

by Andrew MacPhers » Sat, 13 Sep 2008 15:56:00

> Good to see there's still some familiar faces around here, I'm
> still convinced this web based forum thing is a passing fad....

We can all dream! :-)

I'm still waiting for someone to work out how to make a reader for forums
which works in the same way a newsgroup reader does. I'd pay good money
for that actually!

Andrew McP

Andrew MacPhers

Day 28 in the Big iRacing house <-- warning, long and about iRacing

by Andrew MacPhers » Sat, 13 Sep 2008 15:56:00

> it is most certainly not the ***-free, what's-the-point-lager
> that the Solstice is

But lots of people love their ***-free lager. The forums are full of
folk telling us whiners not to be girls, and that it's good to suffer in
order to avoid the hangover which comes from actually enjoying yourself
on the track!

I'm on record as saying the Legends car should be the only rookie vehicle.
It might need a more conservative setup for complete novices, but it's
fun to drive and gives you an idea why iRacing can be so impressive.

Yes. Embarrassing to be seen in public driving (unless at an 'I drive a
stupid-looking car' convention) but very nice to drive.

Hello, my name's Andrew and I've been clean for, er... <fx:counts fingers>
19 days!

Hang on, that can't be right.

<fx:re-counts fingers> 13 days!

That's better. I'm feeling distinct withdrawal symptoms, I must admit.
Which is why I worked a night's overtime last night despite saying I'd
never do another. I hate my job with a passion (everyone should have
something to loathe, it's good for the soul!), but I can listen to Radio4
while doing it, and the 50 it'll put in my bank account will go into
iRacing soon.

However I'm hoping to stay away for a while longer... at least until
Saturday, when I might get another email off them. The first was a simple
'you appear to have forgotten to renew' type courtesy email. A week later
I got a 'your cars are missing you!' type email, which made me retch so
hard I almost forgot how suspicious I am that iRacing employs someone
with the title 'vice president of marketing'.

I re-read that email whenever I weaken and want to test the Skip Barber
on my fledgling Tripleview setup. It helps quite a lot actually.

Welcome back. We kept a thread warm for you, but I think Mitch may have
crapped in it as some point. I'd check your shoes if I were you.

Andrew McP

PS I still get emails from the forums threads I'm subscribed to (I forgot
to change the settings before I left). It's the equivalent of sim racing
water torture watching those land regularly in my in-tray.


Day 28 in the Big iRacing house <-- warning, long and about iRacing

by Rob » Sun, 14 Sep 2008 01:14:01

>> it is most certainly not the ***-free, what's-the-point-lager
>> that the Solstice is

> But lots of people love their ***-free lager. The forums are full of
> folk telling us whiners not to be girls, and that it's good to suffer in
> order to avoid the hangover which comes from actually enjoying yourself
> on the track!

>> If you're looking for sim crack, I would recommend sir try a seat
>> in the Legends Weekly Road Racing league.

> I'm on record as saying the Legends car should be the only rookie vehicle.
> It might need a more conservative setup for complete novices, but it's
> fun to drive and gives you an idea why iRacing can be so impressive.

>> They're not tough to drive - but they're insanely
>> tough to drive fast!

> Yes. Embarrassing to be seen in public driving (unless at an 'I drive a
> stupid-looking car' convention) but very nice to drive.

>> Go on, you know you want to - all the cool kids are doing it ;-)

> Hello, my name's Andrew and I've been clean for, er... <fx:counts fingers>
> 19 days!

> Hang on, that can't be right.

> <fx:re-counts fingers> 13 days!

> That's better. I'm feeling distinct withdrawal symptoms, I must admit.
> Which is why I worked a night's overtime last night despite saying I'd
> never do another. I hate my job with a passion (everyone should have
> something to loathe, it's good for the soul!), but I can listen to Radio4
> while doing it, and the 50 it'll put in my bank account will go into
> iRacing soon.

> However I'm hoping to stay away for a while longer... at least until
> Saturday, when I might get another email off them. The first was a simple
> 'you appear to have forgotten to renew' type courtesy email. A week later
> I got a 'your cars are missing you!' type email, which made me retch so
> hard I almost forgot how suspicious I am that iRacing employs someone
> with the title 'vice president of marketing'.

> I re-read that email whenever I weaken and want to test the Skip Barber
> on my fledgling Tripleview setup. It helps quite a lot actually.

>> Cheers!
>> John

> Welcome back. We kept a thread warm for you, but I think Mitch may have
> crapped in it as some point. I'd check your shoes if I were you.

> Andrew McP

> PS I still get emails from the forums threads I'm subscribed to (I forgot
> to change the settings before I left). It's the equivalent of sim racing
> water torture watching those land regularly in my in-tray.

Lol, I knew you'd be back - they all come back.....

I haven't done so much racing since I moved to the advanced solstice league.
The races are 2hrs apart which seems to coincide precisely with my
anti-free-time. On the recent survey they sent out I begged for hourly races
in all leagues!


Goy Larse

Day 28 in the Big iRacing house <-- warning, long and about iRacing

by Goy Larse » Sun, 14 Sep 2008 01:50:38

> message

>>> it is most certainly not the ***-free, what's-the-point-lager
>>> that the Solstice is

>> But lots of people love their ***-free lager. The forums are full of
>> folk telling us whiners not to be girls, and that it's good to suffer in
>> order to avoid the hangover which comes from actually enjoying yourself
>> on the track!

*** free lager is for people who don't want to get drunk but enjoy



Day 28 in the Big iRacing house <-- warning, long and about iRacing

by hoove » Sun, 14 Sep 2008 03:26:19

>> Good to see there's still some familiar faces around here, I'm
>> still convinced this web based forum thing is a passing fad....

> We can all dream! :-)

> I'm still waiting for someone to work out how to make a reader for forums
> which works in the same way a newsgroup reader does. I'd pay good money
> for that actually!

> Andrew McP

Web forums suck, plain and simple. People stroking their egos with
humongous, meaningless sigs resulting in tons of wasted bandwith, rows
of jumping banana smileys that give you epilepsy if you watch them a
fraction of a second too long... No, I don't see USENET or any
text-only based solution catching the short attention span of today's
internet users. Come to think of it, this might actually be a good
thing. Less posters, but hopefully of higher "quality" also.

Now get off my lawn, or grab a beer and join us at the BBQ,
reminiscing the days when all the hosts on the internet fit into
/etc/hosts and we memorized ftp server ip's by heart (dozens of them

All the best, Uwe



Day 28 in the Big iRacing house <-- warning, long and about iRacing

by rqk » Sun, 14 Sep 2008 12:22:50

I agree! The best I've been able to do to make web based forums more
efficient is 1. Use the RSS feed option to only see new posts (not new
replies), and 2. for threads I want to follow, use the subscribe feature
of the forum software. Together I have been able to drastically decrease
the amount of time forum software causes you to spend trying to keep on
top of things.

Wow, way off topic ... iRacing, I am taking a break from it and look
forward to coming back and being pleasantly surprised when they add new
features like ones we are used to having in other sims.  Love the
driving model, love racing against people at my level, but for the
price, I want some of those other features included. is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.