If you are struggling to learn to race at Sears Point....here's a "tool" you
have as a sim racer that real-world drivers don't have: Run it backwards!
Go into a "Testing Session"....run the track in the opposite direction.
You'll need to use a stop watch for your lap times....but that's not
unreasonable. Besides being a total blast of a track to run backwards (and
a completely different track than it is forwards)....you'll gain valuable
insight as to what the car wants.....at certain parts of the track because
of the elevation changes. You'll have a better "feel" for the track in all
places........and you'll have fun doing it. Get your backwards lap times
close to your forward lap times....and you find the later start to come
crashing down. When ever I'm trying to get myself prepared for an online
race at Sears....I always start with running a dozen laps or so
backwards......its perfect for getting my head into the track.
By the way, this works great at Watkins Glen too.
Have fun....give it a try.