> David....
> You should not come home from work and "drink n' post".......its just as
> as drinking and dialing, I think.
> But, since you have......let me counter your points:
> 1. In the real world of racing...at the highest levels, pretty much every
> driver is fast, has excellent car control and relatively equal knowledge
> racecraft. If not totally equal, its close enough. Setting aside
> in-equality of equipment or the preparation thereof, the driver who wins
> the one who "best knows the canvas." That would be, in your
> analogy......the race track. If the skills are relatively equal, then its
> the application thereof, that sets apart the winners and the
> least that's how it works on any given Sunday on this country's race
> 2. In any discipline (music, sport, theater, dance) at the highest
> levels.....the true standouts are those that find unique ways to apply
> tools.....to the medium. All have basic skills at equal levels....when
> are among the best of the best. Even Eric Clapton (strange you would
> an English guitarist...but that's another point) could not pick up a
> piece of music.....and "play it like a master" within minutes. To your
> perhaps? But, not to the ears of the other masters! And, my
> friend.....that is who Eric would be playing for.
> You see David.....I think you have it just ass backwards. The
> the skillful understanding and use of it......is what sets the masters
> from each other. Not their skill levels...which are equal....and equally
> high....for the most part. Among the best drivers of the world.....it is
> "track knowledge" (on any given day) that separates the winners from the
> losers.
> I can guarantee you Jimmy Clark was not "just a skillful race car driver."
> His peers were just as skillful, IMHO. What Jimmy did was work hard at
> learning his canvas.....the tracks he raced on. He knew them in every
> infinite detail. And, "yes," David.....Jimmy Clark was known for walking
> tracks backwards....in order to study their subtle nuances. I really hope
> you will dispute me on this fact!
> Have a good evening, David. Hope you don't have a hangover
> tomorrow.............
> Cheeri'o Old Chap......
> Tom
> > P.S i suppose my sentament against Toms comments are:
> > Like an Artist, once you have learned to paint with your brush (the car)
> to
> > the highest levels you can paint on any canvas (track). But learning to
> use
> > your brush (car) and paints (setups) is the bit that matters, the bit
> that
> > is the hardest. The canvas doesnt matter but the use of brush and paints
> > does....
> > Same for a guitar player, it takes 10years to learn to play a guitar
> > Eric Clapton, but once you have, you can pickup any sheet of music
> > and play it like a master within minutes....
> > Same for everything most things in life infact, the arena isnt important
> but
> > the skills to you use there are the most important part.....
> > Track knowledge isnt the key to fast laps, but a maximum handle and
> control
> > over your vehicle is, as once you have handle over your car, you can
> quickly
> > find the limit of a track....where as without the best knowledge of your
> > car, you are playing with your own limits in driving ability rather than
> > physical limits of the racetrack...
> > David
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> > ----
> > > Guys.....
> > > If you are struggling to learn to race at Sears Point....here's a
> > you
> > > have as a sim racer that real-world drivers don't have: Run it
> backwards!
> > > Go into a "Testing Session"....run the track in the opposite
> > > You'll need to use a stop watch for your lap times....but that's not
> > > unreasonable. Besides being a total blast of a track to run backwards
> > (and
> > > a completely different track than it is forwards)....you'll gain
> valuable
> > > insight as to what the car wants.....at certain parts of the track
> because
> > > of the elevation changes. You'll have a better "feel" for the track
> > all
> > > places........and you'll have fun doing it. Get your backwards lap
> times
> > > close to your forward lap times....and you find the later start to
> > > crashing down. When ever I'm trying to get myself prepared for an
> online
> > > race at Sears....I always start with running a dozen laps or so
> > > backwards......its perfect for getting my head into the track.
> > > By the way, this works great at Watkins Glen too.
> > > Have fun....give it a try.
> > > TP