The OpenGL patch is best when downlaoded from racesimcentral, under a thread about WiHerr OpeGL, it
has been fixed to cure some issues with nVidia cards.
The regular patches include patching the game to vers. 1.2 and if your cpu is over 1.4Ghz or so you
will need the cpu fix as well. The d3d patch and the OpenGL patch are OS independent, so if you are
running anything but a voodoo card I recommend both of those as well and see what works best for
you, but those are used in all OS versions, not just for XP. Also make sure you have solid video
and sound drivers, but again that applies to any OS as well.
You will get an error from vroc if you go online, but all you need to do is rename riched20.dll that
resides in teh vroc folder to something like riched20.bak
"Don't touch that please, your primitive intellect wouldn't understand
alloys and compositions and,......things with molecular structures,....and
the....." - Ash
thread about WiHerr OpeGL, it
is over 1.4Ghz or so you
independent, so if you are
see what works best for
sure you have solid video
is rename riched20.dll that
> "Don't touch that please, your primitive intellect wouldn't understand
> alloys and compositions and,......things with molecular structures,....and
> the....." - Ash
> > What patches do i need to run GPL on windows xp?
Yes. The filenames are the same though, so you might want to back up your
rendogl.dll before replacing it.
Get the updated mirror.mip too for higher res mirrors.
Oh? Where from?
Or do I allready have this high res mirrors in my GPLEA Eagle v3.1?
Jone Tytlandsvik
> > Get the updated mirror.mip too for higher res mirrors.
> Oh? Where from?
> Or do I allready have this high res mirrors in my GPLEA Eagle v3.1?
You'll find it in the same thread as the OpenGL patch at racesimcentral:
If you use D3D, I don't think you need this, since you can increase the
vertical & horizontal resolution of the mirrors in the core.ini. OpenGL
doesn't offer this option, hence the updated mirror.mip. It goes in your
cars67 folder.