St. Eldred needs our help!
How about we all chip in and buy our good samaritan (sp?) a new graphics
card so he can join us in RASCAR this season?
Eldred is stuck with some acient V5 card so he clearly could need an upgrade
for NR2003.
The card I have in mind is a Shappire Radeon 9500 with 64 or better yet -
128mb of memory.
Why this particulare card? Well the Radeon 9500 can very easyli be modded
(using software) to convert it into a Radeon 9700 card! The 9500 (*non* pro)
rage of Radeon card are mostly based on the 9700 core.. it's just not using
all 8 pipelines... and with the software modification you can open the last
4 pipelines, making it essentially into a fullygrown Radeon 9700 card :-)
A card like this cost around $200 *over here* - so it's not too expensive
(9700 Pro runs at around $500 up here - the 9700 slightly less..)
We could set up a account for Eldred using PAYPAL to do the transfere
I'll start the pot by donating $20 for the card..
Anyone care to follow up on that?
$10 says Petter Solberg wins the 2003 WRC.