Eldred, you may even consider a mobo/cpu upgrade instead of a vid upgrade at
the moment. I was just a Fry's and saw a combo XP2000 cpu ECS mobo for $89.
I know not the best mobo but it does support both sdr and ddr so you can
re-use existing memory. Use that and the GF2 in the meantime may give a
greater bang for the buck at the moment than a 4600 with your athlon 1.2.
CPU rules..
In a few months we can have another E drive and then get a video card to go
with the mobo/cpu upgrade and you'll be set...
Just throwing out ideas.
> >Most definitely.
> >*However*, they are pricier than the 9500's, but not by much (only
> >$10 when comparing price between reatil Radeon and Asus Ti4600).
> >There's no need to get an AGP8x card if your motherboard doesn't
> >support it, so that'll save you some bucks (again not much).
> >Expect to pay about $200 if you get either card.
> >How much money is in your card fund so far?
> $115 at last count. Thanks to all who have helped so far!
> Eldred
> --
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