> I think a lot of it is due to the temp probes used. I've got an Iwill
> mobo, but the temp sensor doesn't actually touch the base of the CPU.
> Not sure about ASUS, but I know that the Abit actually presses against
> the base, and tends to read temps higher (and more accurately).
I believe it's the same with ASUS
Still much lower than mine
URL ? :-)
Well.....I used a HS from EKL (or something, I looked through our
shelves and grabbed the biggest one I could find) rated to 1.2Ghz,
initially I wanted to run it stock as it has a fairly large and quiet
fan, but then, as usual, I wanted to see how far I could push it :-)
So I used the fans from a pair of GlobalWin HS/Fans I had from when I
was OC'in my dual Celeron machine, and hey presto....:-)
Ni pics I'm afraid and the web site I usually order this from to our
shop is down right now, I could give you the general URL, but since it's
in Norwegian I don't think you'd find your way around the place :-)
Is it much better than the stock GlobalWin stuff, not really, I just got
it bad back then and wanted MORE !!!, and got it :-), at least in the
way of temps, couldn't push it any further though, I suspect you'd have
to get the temps much lower to find more speed, I have a Peltier kit
lying around here, but I need to make some special clips to fit it under
my HS and I just don't have the energy right now
Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy
"A woman is an occasional pleasure but a cigar is always a smoke"
--Groucho Marx--