Mine seems to be a hybrid. It is this hsf:
but with this 3 prong clip:
which works well for keeping it flat, easier to remove, etc.
I usually use the translation thing at Altavista.com to translate
foreign web sites. Don't know about Norwegian tho ;)
I think a lot of the temps have to do with the actual CPU core that
you happen to get. If you've got a below-par core by chance, then it
may run hotter just because it's not hooked up well internally.
The CPU I got was and AVIA Y core, which is well known to be easily
overclocked. It just generally runs cooler, and runs at nice high
speeds. The AVIA and AXIA batches of CPUs are well known to overclock
from 1 ghz (stock) to 1.4ghz and up. Just a good batch. 1.4ghz for the
price of 1ghz :)
Well, you can send the kit over here if you don't want it :) If you're
happy with the speed and temps then I guess it's not really an issue.
But over 60deg does seem remarkably high. As long as you are using
good thermal paste, the hsf is flat against the CPU die, and you have
good airflow, then all should be fine. And obviously the ambient temp
will have a big impact as well. If your case temp is high, it may be
worthwhile putting a case fan in to get better airflow.
Rafe Mc