expected but the game is cool.
The problem I am having is that when I spin out or have a
minor crash, my steering wheel does not center. It can be
off by as many as 30 degrees. Obviously this is totally
uncool, and GPL is the only game I have this problem
As for the FF effects in general, I am somewhat disappointed.
I really cannot feel the wheel lighten up as the front lose grip.
I feel the weight of the car, and when I shift sometimes but
nowhere near what I have been reading here. Also the
effects of the track/curbing is very much reduced from
what I would call normal. Maybe most people are just
new at FF and are going gaga over FF in GPL? I don't
But 36fps is cool, graphics are cool, the AI seems cool.
I would be more than satisfied if the steering center did
not move around. I have a week to figure it out before I
return the game I guess :-(
Header address intentionally scrambled to ward off the spamming hordes.
cisko [AT] ix [DOT] netcom [DOT] com