>>I recently bought a Packard Bell Pentium 150 with 24 meg of RAM. I can only
>>Nascar in SVGA with only car detail and lines and skids. Anything more, my
>frame rate
>>drops to about 5fps. I can only run 6 ahead, 3 back, or it will go down even
>>What the hell is my problem? Do I need a new graphics card or something?
>Please help!
>Packard Bells are shitty computers. If you knew anything about computers, you
>would have bought something else. Anything else...
For once I have to aggree with you there Chris :)
The company I work for bought 1 *after* seeing what an employee went
through with them spending over a *year* to get it working right for
more than 1 month at a time. The one the company bought died in 18
months so since they bought it with a one year warranty they promptly
went out and bought *3* more of them.....
I tried to tell them not to buy those fraggin Hackered Hells but
Nooooo they wouldn;t listen. Now we have 1 left running and it's on
it's last legs.
A lousy week of 90 Deg. + weather killed 2 of them (even with the
cases open and high cfm fans blowing right into them in an
airconditioned room.
Ugh, I for one wouldn't own one of those if it was given to me new in
the box, I'd keep my 486\66 dx2-s over their pentiums anyday.
Ron R II
** Keep the shiny side up & the hammer down **
*** Ron "Cougar" Riekens II ***
**** Owner - Driver ****
**** Medallion Motorsports/*** Photography ****
*** NASS ARCA Series #96 Pontiac ***