> > I recently replaced Voodoo 3 card with Voodoo 5, however Gpl screens at
> > higher resolution not appearing properly and is worse that Voodoo 3. Any
> > ideas on getting to function correctly. Are there any known issues?
> > on AMD 1.4, 256mb, Driver version Card seems to function
> > properly in other applications. Any help appreciated!
> > Dean
> Make sure tripple buffering is disabled. If that doesn't help, try
> these drivers:
> http://www.3dgw.com/drivers/drivers.php3?driver=voodoo5
> You might also ask in the "GPL" or "Tech Help" section at:
> http://forum.racesimcentral.com/
> -Greg
Thanks for the help greg & all, found a later driver. Now working okay but
not much visible improvement on voodoo 3, I shall dig further.
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