;go to Help/Controllers/Readers Reports
Also see Ricardo Nunnini's tips for setting up the LWFF in GPL,
>I recently picked up the Logitech winman Formula Force wheel. It is
>pretty neat, but I'm still not sure if it really offers me much more
>than a regular wheel. The brakes on this setup are really really
>difficult to deal with in GPL 1.1. It seems more like an on off switch
>than a pot. I have so much trouble getting good braking forces into the
>car without locking the wheels that the game is almost not fun.
>I've tried CTFJ3 but can't get it to work. When using CTFJ the brake
>literally is either on 100% all the time or on at 50% when my foot isn't
>on the brake and at 100% as soon as I touch it.
>Isn't there something that I can do to make the brakes work a little
>more realistically? I've heard that the CH pedals are nice, but I
>haven't been able to find them anywhere here in L.A. I'm hesitant to do
>mail order because I may decide I don't like any of this and just drop
>major bucks on an SRC wheel. So I want to be able to easily take things
>Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
>Thanks Derek
>Sent via
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