finish racing i can't get back to the start of the race. i press rewind and
get a red circle arrow at the top left. what's that? could someone help?
> rod...
The red circle means you've maxed out your memory for the replay. You can get
more by:
A) buying more ram, at least 128mb total.
B) overriding the automatic settings in the game. You do this by creating a
file, placed in your sierra/gpl folder, with a text editor(notepad or such is
fine) which you name core.ini. All you need in the file for this purpose are
the lines
[ Replay ]
replayMemoryOverride = X000
where X = the number of mb you want to set aside for replays. Depending on
your total installed ram, too much here will cause paging to your hard drive
during play, which you want to avoid. Full fields and more graphics require
more memory, so tuning these down will get your more replay time also. If
memory serves, the minimum default replay memory is around 2mb. Experiment and
find what works for you; as long as you're not paging during play, you're OK;
just keep an eye on your HD light if you notice any stuttering in the game.
Steve B.
remove "edy" from address for email
If you've 64 MBs try
[ Replay ]
replayMemoryOverride = 24000
That should give you full Short and even Long replays. It depends on
how many AI or ppl are in the race though. With less than ten you'll
get full Longs.
Note that if you're hosting ppl might be discoed when you save. With
64 MBs and a setting of 32000 this happens for me. No biggie if I save
after everyone's done.