(1) The game must explicitly support the Gravis Gamepad (i.e. it must
say so on the side of the box :-). The Gravis's two extra buttons are
really just the normal two buttons borrowed from a second normal
joystick that could normally go there.
(2) If the game supports the Gravis explicitly, then you must make
sure that the Gravis is attached to the game port of the sound card
rather than the game port of any other card on the machine.
Yousuf Khan
Yousuf J. Khan & Issa S. Khan | Just because you're paranoid doesn't
Ottawa, Ont, Canada |
Nation's capital |
If you are plugging it into your standard joystick port on your pc's IDE card,
you'll only get two buttons to work. If you don't have a soundcard, you can buy
a joystick port interface to plug into your computer for around 20 bucks or
less... but you'll have to deal with jumper settings and interrupt switches....
much better to get a plug and play soundcard! <g>
Mark Prince The WriteDesign Company
Visit my web page at www.geocities.com/SoHo/1301
Visit the ID Sucks page at www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/2702