I bought GP2 a couple of weeks ago and it's my very first try at
racing simulation software. As I dislike playing with the keyboard and
after I scrapped 2 analog joystick with some other games, I decided to
buy a Gravis gamepad (that was before I got GP2). Well, I am able to
race correctly and control the car decently but I'm absolutely unable
to get near the fastests times that peoples post here. To give you an
example, I practice mostly at Monza, since it's easy and I'd like to
get better before racing at tracks like Monaco and the best time I had
so far is 1.27.xxx. I often race in the 1.28.xxx with manual shifting
and brakes.
Now, what I would like to know is this: Is it possible to have
better time with a gamepad (and then it would mean I'm still a very
mediocre driver) or must I buy an analog joystick to go down to
1.23xxx and faster??
Alain Plante
Je suis peut etre concombre, mais je ne suis pas legume