I had problems too at first. Now I can run real consistent stable
laps. There were a few turns that really threw me for a loop at the
beginning but I finally figured out the line through them. This is a
setup/track where you sometimes have to slow down to go faster. Once
you have the line figured out and realize that in some places it is
best to stay out of the gas and almost coast along it will become much
easier. Not that I still don't***up, but like most good
challenging tracks, if you miss the line... Anyway, I like the
setup... and the track.
Brian Oster
>I'm glad you said that, I thought it was just me this time. First time I
>drove the setup I thought it was ok, but that was just because I was still
>learning the track and not really pushing it. Now that I have a little bit
>of an understanding of the track and can push it harder I am all over the
>place. I feel like I can steer it, I just feel like the back end is
>refusing to follow the front end. Can't get through the approach to turn 15
>without spinning. I get very loose at the second dogleg left on the
>approach, which I don't understand because on the map
>(http://www.racesimcentral.net/) that doesn't
>even look like much of a bend. Oh well, I'll do my best to learn it and if
>I can't keep it on the track I will sit this one out.
>> Pretty much the same as Sarthe... it's a landyacht. No steering authority
>> whatsoever. I don't get this: these are GTs for crying out loud, why do
>> people set them up to wallow all over the place? -It jacks down so badly
>> the soft springs it still skips on the bumps, so what's the use of running
>> it *this* soft?
>> Track is also really underdetailed, IMO. Hard to have any real sense of
>> position / trajectory.
>> However, I can't test again and provide an alternative until Friday night
>> time, so go with it. I'll try to work up some enthousiasm to be in the