> I started driving GPL with my joystick so I didnt have to change to it when
> I played flight sims and the fact that my T2 was using too much CPU.I have
> since gotten a Voodoo2 and GPL rocks at 1024by768 on my 21in monitor with
> fluid frame rates,its enough to make me consider a TSW:)(also that N3 and
> Cart3 are due soon).With that said,I went and hooked up my T2 again.My frame
> rates dropped what seemed like 10fps.The reason I am writing this post is that
> I wanna know if anybody else has this experience with the T2 and if its like
> this with all wheel units.I really would like to know why this happens as
> right now the only reason I can think of is that the T2 uses a 150k pot.Anyone
> here know about how joystick polling works??????
on a page reviewing a digital gamecard, and they pointed out that
the way an analogue joystick/wheel signal is read is to poll the
gameport repeatedly to measure the amount of resistance. The more
resistance on the axis, the longer it takes the CPU to measure it.
This amount of time is dependant on the resistance, not on CPU speed,
so having faster CPUs will take the same percentage of CPU time.
Apparently normal joysticks use around 15-25% of available CPU time
or thereabouts to measure their resistance. But, the Thrustmaster T2
is known to have the highest resistance pots of almost any controller
out there, and at highest resistance (turning the wheel all the way
to the right) can suck up to 50% of your CPU time. Well, that's what
that page said:) maybe they were exaggerating the percentages a little
so as to make their digital gamecard look good, but I wouldn't be
surprised if those values are actually correct.
The digital gamecard measures the resistances itself with much
higher accuracy than a soundcard gameport, and applies moothing
algorithms to the values to eliminate any stutter, thus freeing
the CPU of the need to waste so much time reading the joystick.
All the CPU needs to do is ask the gamecard for the latest value,
which apparently takes up less than 0.1% of CPU time. this is
a hell of a lot better than 25-50% for a T2 :)I've got a T2 myself.
I ordered one of those digital gamecards to try it out, but it
hasn't arrived yet so i don't know just how much of an improvement
it makes.
The card is a PDPI L4 digital gamecard.
when the card arrives (hopefully sometime this week) if it makes
a HUGE difference, i'll jump up and down a lot, be happy, and post
a message here to rave about it.
apparently you can plug 4 joysticks in at once and use them all
too. (8 with 2 cards). maybe i could build my own 10 axis and
20 button steerwheel or something:)
bye for now,