configuration used an ISA AWE65 and a Labtec Quick Sound. The Quick Sound
allow you to crank out the treble and crank in the base. This was fairly
acceptable. I have try 2 different sound patches but they never had the
right engine pitch in relation to the RPMs. I sort of use engine pitch as a
braking aide when the gear ratio is set right. Okay, here is the advice. I
would not recommend the Sound Blaster PCI128 for *** in Nascar2. This
sound card does not support treble or base adjustments and some of this 3
piece sound system don't offer treble adjustments etiher. Since I sold my
original configuration too soon, I am stuck with the SB PCI128. In order to
get treble/base adjustment I had to go but a new speaker combination. I
ended up with the JBL system 2000. This all works but not as good as the
original system. I feel the SB128 is mainly intended for music folk and not
necessarily for ***. Hope this help someone from making an bad sound
card choice.
If anyone has a really good N2 sound patch, PLEASE let me know where.
Rush <clear>