> Thanks for the reply, Goy.
> Hmm..... My R8500LE only overclocks to about 285/285 reliably. With my
> XP1700, my 3D Mark score is about 8400-8500. It sounds like I can probably
> expect a score of about 9300 if I go with the 2400XP (assuming it would equate
> to your 2200XP at 310/310). That's only a 10% increase or so...... So maybe
> it wouldn't be worthwhile after all.
Don't stare yourself blind on the 3DMark score, it's mostly a video card
benchmark after all, you will benefit from the faster CPU in Sims as
your CPU will have more HP to deal with the other stuff a Sim demands
your CPU to deal with
Furthermore, 8500 is a pretty decent score in itself, my "work" PC
"only" score about 7500 and that's an XP 2000, but I know that's because
of a slow MoBo, it's an "ancient" ASUS A7M266 (AMD 761) which I love to
death for it's reliability, but as DDR based MoBo's go, it's slooow :-),
still, it suggests that your system is well tuned
In my opinion, the R8500 is an excellent choice for a sub 2000 (ish) CPU
and goes nicely hand in hand with the one you've got, nice balance, and
like I said, unless you have a "shitty" vid card, which you don't, the
CPU is the first thing to upgrade, I was merely hinting that you may
also want to look at a new vid card in the not too distant future as
I'm pleased with my upgrade so far, don't have much time for ***
these days, but the new CPU will be accompanied by a R9x00 of some sorts
in the near future, the CPU upgrade happened now as I had a buyer for my
old CPU, the cost of the holiday season prevented the video card from
joining it right now :-)
And yes, I've been extremely pleased with the OC'ing potential of this
card, I've got two others as well, 64 MB as opposed to the 128 in my
*** PC and they don't OC nearly as well, 275 and 285 respectively,
but I'm not 100% sure if that's all down to the vid card itself as I
tried one of the 64 MB cards in my *** PC and it OC'ed better there
and I wonder if the AGP port on the different MoBo's might have
something to do with it
I haven't looked into it much as I'm not *that* interested in OC'ing
anymore :-)
Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy
"A man is only as old as the woman he feels........"
--Groucho Marx--