Hi guys,
Wonder if someone can give me a tip on this AGP setting in the BIOS stuff I
have been reading about on here...
I checked mine out yesterday and don't see the 1/1 or 2/3 options you have
been mentioning, instead I have an entry in the BIOS which has settings of
4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128... what does this refer to and what does it do.
Currently set at 64 which is the default.
Peter Hooper
> > since adding an AGP V3-2000 all my games freeze at 100 mHz. Everything
> > is fine at 83 mHz. I have all the latest drivers, etc., 230w power
> > supply and suitable air circulation. I have tried underclocking the V3
> > with Powerstrip... no help.
> Simon, what is the agp setting in your bios?
> If you are running the m/b at 100mhz you need to set the agp port to run
> at 2/3rds speed (eg: 2/3rds of 100 = 66). The agp port does not like
> being run at 100, which it is running at if the bios setting is set to
> 1/1 instead of 2/3.
> Hope this helps....
> 8-)
> *Peter* - http://www.cix.co.uk/~peterpc/home.html