Will Vga run on my computer with at least 18 frames???
Will Vga run on my computer with at least 18 frames???
Hey craig marcho !
You burnt somethin' into my screen !
I think he's talking about GP2 and not ICR2 !!!
If you'd have 15FPS in SVGA GP2 would have been already released !!!!
* * * * * * BYE and always a good connection * * * * * *
* * * * * * wishes * * * * * *
*** W O D A N ***
Important :
Please send all answers via CC (Email) back to me too, thanks !
All the respect, but it seems that you have the
ability to watch photos and thinking you are
watching a movie ;-). 15 fps - I mean - is this
some kind of a joke? I only said 18 fps because I
didn't want to be dissapointed finding out that my
processor doesn't move at least 23 fps.
Did I ask you where did you get F1gp2? You are one
lucky son of a .....;-)!
I would kill for a little taste of F1gp2.
I hope you don't find this mail rude, because it's
I'm no good at hiding my emotions, but this "F1gp2
not out yet" is really killing me.
Don't be a stranger, send e-mail.