N2 problems

Dave Lon

N2 problems

by Dave Lon » Wed, 30 Sep 1998 04:00:00

    I just purchased a PII 450, 128M RAM, Velosity 128 AGP video with 8M,
Yamaha 128-3D sound and Amquest 56K hypermodem....... running a clean
install of Windoze 98.
NASCAR 2 will not run Under 98.
The cards are running with Win 98 drivers, I tried to install the drivers
that came with the appropriate cards, but when loading the drivers Win 98
says that it will continue using the current (Win 98 pnp) drivers.

What do I need to do ???
Will N2 run on this equipment ???
Do I need Dos drivers ???

Please help !!!

Thanks in Advance,
Dave Long

Dave_L on TEN


N2 problems

by Erni » Thu, 01 Oct 1998 04:00:00

Don't suspect Win98.  I've got it and N2 runs well.

>    I just purchased a PII 450, 128M RAM, Velosity 128 AGP video with 8M,
>Yamaha 128-3D sound and Amquest 56K hypermodem....... running a clean
>install of Windoze 98.
>NASCAR 2 will not run Under 98.
>The cards are running with Win 98 drivers, I tried to install the drivers
>that came with the appropriate cards, but when loading the drivers Win 98
>says that it will continue using the current (Win 98 pnp) drivers.

>What do I need to do ???
>Will N2 run on this equipment ???
>Do I need Dos drivers ???

>Please help !!!

>Thanks in Advance,
>Dave Long

>Dave_L on TEN


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