Peter, I was tired and overreacting!
What is IMHO?
TOCA is a sim.
It doesn't simulate car damage but that doesn't mean its not a simulation.
In your book this is a crucial deficiency. I'd prefer car damage but I
still say it's a sim.
It doesn't simulate car setups, personally I'm glad of that - you hate it -
This is a 17" computer screen - if you want reality, forget it - you'd need
VR and one of those things that move on hydralic slits (now that would that
be fun!).
What is important is that what it does show is an attempt at an excerpt of
reality. TOCA does this, there's nothing in TOCA that you can say, "No
that's all wrong!". You can point to issues they've missed but what's there
is good, in fact I think it's the best.
The BTCC drivers think TOCA is "extremely realistic" - see the Codemasters
What I meant by "audio-visual" was the feel of the game. You feel you're
going fast. I get this from F1RS but not as much (and yeah GP2 is a
non-starter in this department). In F1RS, when you slow to take a sharp
bend the car feels nearly stationary, in TOCA it doesn't, in fact there's a
scary feeling like you get when you have a near miss in a road car. This is
the white knuckle bit and TOCA have simulated it ever so well. I'm thinking
now, "How is this achieved?". Maybe it's something to do with the relative
size of the car to the track. It seems big in TOCA, maybe this makes you
feel closer to the road. I dunno I'm guessing. What do you think?
Reality is a hard thing to model, you've got to think about more than what
you can directly see and enumerate. Ask a painter. Photo-realism doesn't
always capture feel. Impressionist painters tried to get the feel of an
event by dispensing with irrelevant details and concentrating on the light,
the mood. TOCA seems to do a similar trick, and I don't know why it works,
but you really do feel you're going fast - they have simulated speed better
than any other game. F1RS goes for the photo reality and that's okay (in
fact very nice). GP2 is graphically ancient - a good attempt for it's day
but it's old now (I'll be flamed to hell for that). GPL looks the goods but
I've only got the demo and haven't managed to keep the program up for more
than a minute.
TOCA is an impressionist masterpiece to F1RS's old master. Sega rally and
the arcade brigade are cartoons - jokes - like Tom and Jerry. How can
anyone compare TOCA with these?
> > That's an arrogant line, Peter. All people are not good enough at
> most
> > things. Why shouldn't we persue the pastimes we enjoy, huh? I bet
> > you're a
> > better racer than me, but I bet I'm better than something than you.
> > So don't
> > say I suck because I enjoy TOCA.
> I wasn' talking to you, I was replying to a post by QBM. However to
> reply to your points:
> I am not a particulally good sim racer, I am ok, but certainly not one
> of the best by any means. If you enjoy TOCA thats fine by me, I also
> enjoy TOCA, However, IMHO it is *not* a sim, mainly because it does not
> accurately model damage or have any set-up options of any kind.
> This may not be the opinion of others? The guy I was responding to was
> basically saying he wasn't good enough at the sim, so could they not
> release an *easier* version which would appeal to more people?
> IMHO, sims are by there very nature more complicated and more time
> consuming than *arcade* type racing games. I have nothing against
> arcade type racing games, and indeed own many myself. but if you buy a
> sim (especially if you have owned other sims) why then start
> complaining that its too hard?
> > TOCA seems real enough to me. The cars are the 1997 ones in
> > phenomenal detail. The tracks are realistic. The noises are great.
> > But
> > there's no dirt on the floor and the engine is immortal. So who gives
> > a
> > flying f***? But it's hard, oh so very hard, to get your lap times
> > into the
> > top ten times on So
> > it's
> > still a challenge. I like F1RS and GP2 but in terms of audio-visual
> > simulation TOCA leaves them both on the grid.
> I agree, absolutely, TOCA is a great game, thats why I also own it, and
> drive it often. I'm not so sure it leaves F1RS for dead graphically?
> (certainly GP2 yes) but hey, you are entitled to your opinion.
> 8-)
> *Peter* 8-)
> (NB: remove asterix to e-mail)