Ok HB thanx for the info!! Also, Yes I know all about heat in these things
as I already have 4 extra heavy duty [push-pull thru] fans for my atx case.
Maybe it might be better if I add my present PC specs? Here they are:
Intel P3 800mhz w/abitSA6R mobo, Asus GF2GTS'Pro 64mgs ram &
I have Twin Voodoo2s in SLI, OS=Win98SE, PC133Dram 256megs,
SbLive sound, 3x30gig Maxtor HDs..w/ a ViewSonic PS790 Monitor..
| Hey Thom J.
| I can't give you any specifics on that MoBo and CPU combo, but I can say
| that I have switched from Intel to AMD of late (Currently running 2 AMD
| Tbird 850's and a 1 Ghz in my office) and I can say that their performance
| is outstanding. All of them are on MoBos that mysteriously fell off the
| appraoved list, ABIT KT7RAIDs (most likley due to this board's ease of
| OCing). There is a computer show at the civic center this weekend and I
| be there buying an AMD proccesor and some kind of MoBo to upgrade my
| personal machine. Probably a 1+ Ghz CPU and a MoBo that's Bios allows
| to CD" so OS installation will be much easier.
| As far as *** performance goes, one of the 850's is my league server
| N4) and runs the game very well indeed. It also has been tested with N3,
| GPL, SCGT, and Viper Racing. Everyone ran just fine, the only bottle neck
| being the cheapo Voodoo 3 card in the box. But hey, it's primarily a
| and doesn't need all the eye candy to serve that purpose.
| I know you have enough sense to just make sure that the case and cooling
| soultion is adequate, so I won't remind you :) I would suggest if you
| haven't already, visit the AMD web site and verfiy your MoBo on their
| "approved" list to save any possible headaches.
| Best of luck to ya,
| HB aka SimRacer
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