Finally I'm going for a new rig and would appreciate some advise.
I'm looking for a mainstream solution, no budget or high end.
Might be a P4 2.4 (up to 800) or a AMD 2600 for instance.
Also, VIA chipsets are out of of the question after 2 NBT (nothing but trouble)
years with my KT266 A.
I already got an ATI 9600 pro.
Few things I'm not certain about:
How are the P4s compared to the AMDs? 3D Mark says lousy, but that's sponsored
by AMD
If intel chipset, 845 or 865?
Is hyperthreading something not to miss out?
What is the boost from P4 400 over 533 to 800?
The new AMD 64 (Are that those Bartons?) is something to wait for (until
A lot of questions, any help (also partially) is highly appreciated.
BTW: I was on a XP 1600+ until now
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