SODA demo: laptimes & using 3dfx through directx?

Eric T. Busc

SODA demo: laptimes & using 3dfx through directx?

by Eric T. Busc » Thu, 09 Oct 1997 04:00:00

That would work if SODA used Direct3D, but in non-rendition mode it is
only using the 2D DirectDraw.


>Also, i've noticed everyone talking about how they won't be able
>to use their 3DFX cards with SODA, yet I would have thought that
>by just using SODA in normal directx mode then you'd get the 3d
>acceleration via directX? I don't have a 3d card yet, so I don't
>know if this is how it works.

Doug Bur

SODA demo: laptimes & using 3dfx through directx?

by Doug Bur » Thu, 09 Oct 1997 04:00:00

> hi!

> I downloaded the SODA demo a couple of days ago, and this game RULES!
> It reminds me so much of when i used to play Stunt Car Racer years
> ago on my Atari ST & Amiga, it's got the same fun feel to it, but
> while still being a damn good simulation too. I simply can't wait
> for the full game to be released, i want to drive those other
> tracks! i've already designed a couple of pretty lethal tracks in
> the editor too, but i can't drive them yet. *sulk* :)

> Anyway, enough rambling. I was wondering what laptimes people
> have been getting with the demo. I've managed to get down to
> 1m08.37s for a lap, and i've seen the computer cars drive 1m05's.
> has anyone done better than the ai cars yet?

> Also, i've noticed everyone talking about how they won't be able
> to use their 3DFX cards with SODA, yet I would have thought that
> by just using SODA in normal directx mode then you'd get the 3d
> acceleration via directX? I don't have a 3d card yet, so I don't
> know if this is how it works. If it IS how it works, then what is
> everyone complaining about?  i'm seriously considering getting a
> 3dfx card as i am looking forward to playing UBISoft's F1 and that
> TOCA touring car sim, but they're not released for a few monhts yet
> and so i'm happy to wait and see what happens.

> Meanwhile i'll get back to playing SODA in low resolution and GP2
> with almost no details:)

First off, SODA already has gone GOLD -- so we should see it in about 10
days in the stores... secondly, there will be a 3dfx patch in about 2

As far as using a 3d card, the game has to support Direct3d in addition
to DirectX ...

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Grant Reev

SODA demo: laptimes & using 3dfx through directx?

by Grant Reev » Fri, 10 Oct 1997 04:00:00


I downloaded the SODA demo a couple of days ago, and this game RULES!
It reminds me so much of when i used to play Stunt Car Racer years
ago on my Atari ST & Amiga, it's got the same fun feel to it, but
while still being a damn good simulation too. I simply can't wait
for the full game to be released, i want to drive those other
tracks! i've already designed a couple of pretty lethal tracks in
the editor too, but i can't drive them yet. *sulk* :)

Anyway, enough rambling. I was wondering what laptimes people
have been getting with the demo. I've managed to get down to
1m08.37s for a lap, and i've seen the computer cars drive 1m05's.
has anyone done better than the ai cars yet?

Also, i've noticed everyone talking about how they won't be able
to use their 3DFX cards with SODA, yet I would have thought that
by just using SODA in normal directx mode then you'd get the 3d
acceleration via directX? I don't have a 3d card yet, so I don't
know if this is how it works. If it IS how it works, then what is
everyone complaining about?  i'm seriously considering getting a
3dfx card as i am looking forward to playing UBISoft's F1 and that
TOCA touring car sim, but they're not released for a few monhts yet
and so i'm happy to wait and see what happens.

Meanwhile i'll get back to playing SODA in low resolution and GP2
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