> "Wayne Bradley" wrote...
>> I somewhat agree and Rascar could solve a bigger problem
>> by banning Tom Pabst. Seriously, Tom Pabst will do more
>> damage to a league then Huggins ever would! It has been
>> proven!
> Don't worry, mr. Bradley. Mr. Pabst is not attending any RASCAR races
> or functions.
> Jan.
> =---
Then why the heck is such a big stink being made over it ? Is Rascar that
all so important to league racing to cause all this debate over who can or
cannot race with Rascar?
Last time I looked, Rascar was an invite league developed for and around the
people the frequent this forum. Heck, I don't even know that you could call
it a league , just a group of guys that got to know each other on this forum
and race together on Saturdays.
Seems to me, the ones that put in the time to make this happen for everyone
else, have every right to determine who does and does not get added to the
invite list.
Don't know why that would have such a major impact on anyone, especially
someone that does not even run in Rascar at all.
Ok, Robert Huggins. I don't know the guy personally, but he has a
"reputation" in the Nascar sim racing community. A reputation that started
with N1 on Hawaii, and extended evidently into N2 on Ten and the Nros. Back
when we were running on Hawaii, he was a hot topic :). And obviously a
reputation that has followed him around to today.
Understand, I don't know for a fact he ever cheated, and really don't
care. He may be one of the nicest guys in the world for all I know.
But as far as Rascar, I would respect any call the folks that play the
largest part in putting this show on for the members, makes on any
individual. Officially, he was banned from the Nros Series on Ten for
cheating. Only person to my knowledge that officially got banned for that.
That is fact, anything else is just speculation. Whether it is true or
false, is nothing more and will never be anything more than speculation.
Personally, if I knew of a good group of guys that raced together, that was
founded on their fellowship developed in a newsgroup forum, I would first
start reading and participating in that forum, and get to know the guys and
let them get to know me before I just came in and said hey, I want to race,
let me in.
Just my humble opinon gang.
Now if I can just get off my fat ass and race more with you guys - I am
single now, and Satruday evenings are a little tougher to make :).
I will say this from the few races I have got to participate in, you guys
that run in Rascar regular are some of the cleanest drivers I have seen, and
show more respect on the track than some of the better leagues out there -
you got a good thing going, so y'all must be doing something right so far
Don Burnette
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