LOL....Greg, and what gives your memory the "certified accurate" stamp?
"Gavel" <> wrote in message
> Wow, another twisted history session with Tom. Let's set it back the way
> reallly was because you are:
Greg, this is a "tired old claim" of yours that you keep digging up when
ever I make a post related to early sim racing online. Since I have/had no
stake in the Robert Huggins issue and clearly stated so, I don't see what
your point was/is.....other than to harass?
> A. Someone who was not the least involved in Nascar sim racing at the
> Huggins began his cheating. Anybody here ever see Pabst on RAS during
> Huggins cheating fiasco? NO. Huggins was cheating waaay before TEN. And
> Tom not only were you NOT on Hawaii but you didn't show up on TEN until
> time after it was running.
I stated that I wasn't completely sure of the time frame, but only recalled
the extenuating circumstances. I was relatively new to online racing, not
NASCAR sim racing or racing in general. I have never stated that I was
involved in the Hawaii online testing......let me say it more clearly for
you: I was never involved in the Hawaii online testing. You are correct
about when I started sim racing on TEN. It was at the end of its first
month of operation. What's your point about this?
> B. You were not responsible for the hiring or firing of any individuals
> form Papy at that or any other time.
Being "responsible for hiring and firing" at Papyrus would require me to
have been an employee of Papyrus.....something I've never claimed to be
(although you will probably find some "connection" to say that I have). My
"issue" with Papyrus was dealt with through Sierra and the Havas legal
departments. You know nothing of this and there's no possible way that you
could. The individuals at Papyrus who were central to the issue I had with
Papyrus were terminated within one month of my bringing this to the
Sierra/Havas legal departments. You can draw your own conclusions as well
as anyone else. Total coincidence? Possibly? But, probably not. These
people were not doing anything that was illegal in any way. They were
simply not behaving in a manner that was beneficial to the company they
worked for. And, that was my opinion then and is now. Maybe someone agreed
with me? Maybe it was all a coincidence? Who cares?
> I remember asking some Papy guys if they ever heard of you long after
> was going. That was about the time you told us you were going to "pave the
> way" for us in sims in your "farewell to all the lousy drivers" speech.
> said they'd never heard of you.
Once again you make reference to some "farewell speach" that has had so many
"topics" according to your memory, that it must have been at least two
hundred pages long......something I don't ever recall writing or making
anywhere, including here. I do recall you popping into one of the TEN chat the middle of my talking with several drivers in there about
why I was giving up my TEN membership temporarily while I would be
rellocating to the SFO area from Portland, Oregon. Perhaps coming into a
chat room in the middle of a topical conversation could lead you to
misinterpret the meaning and the reason for the discussion? Who
knows.....and again, who cares? When I did get settled in down here, I had
a job interview with TEN. Nothing ever came of it, and a few months later
they dropped the NASCAR sim from their online gaming program. At the time,
I still wasn't setup for online racing here and by the time I was, TEN was
out of business. That is why I never rejoined TEN. You seem to have the
knack for twisting that fact around about 1,000 ways to suit your particular
My dealings at Papyrus were with two individuals only. And, because of the
nature of those dealings no one else at Papyrus probably would have been
involved (until much later had my dealings beared any fruit, which they did
not). So, unless you asked one of those employees about me, I doubt anyone
else even knew me at the time, since I was relatively new to online racing
anyway. Even if you'd asked one of these two individuals, its reasonable
because of NDA's that they would not have told you they knew me. And, who
the hell were you that someone had to respond to your questions about me
> Banned arbitrarily? He agreed to the rules when signing up for TEN. And
> then he was long gone from any beta test position. So much for the
> theory.
> And just why would Papy have any sort of need to "frame" anyone? Beta
> testers are easy to find.
I wasn't endorsing the validity of the issues with Huggins and I clearly
stated I was only "remembering" what the issues were about....and wasn't
totally sure of the timing but was pretty sure about the nature of the
issues. Your statements above are "judgemental"....mine were simply
reflective of the issues. And your "judgement" above is just as much
speculation as anyone's.....something you seem to not like when I do it but
its "okay" for you to do it, huh? That's a "double standard" there, Greg!
> Couldn't care less if he is a great guy today.
Gosh Greg, you are such a "warm and fuzzy" kind of guy! LOL......
> This your annual attempt at re-writing sim history? Your stories are
> getting craftier but there's still some left who know better.
> Gavel
And I am certain all of the intelligent individuals here on R.A.S., whom you
have just insinuated can't make reasonable judgements themselves about
things I write, are so pleased that you have taken on the role of the "keep
history straight" police, on their behalf! Do you know Ed Solheim? He's
the chief of of the "On Topic" police. Are you two members of the same
police force? Or, different ones? - TP
PS: "Gavel" is the online racing handle used by Greg Avella. According to
Francois Menard, from his response to an email I had sent him a couple years
ago (November 11, 2001 to be exact) asking who this "gavel" character is,
because I don't remember him at all when I was racing on TEN......."he is an
old pal from my Hawaii days. He ran in a league on TEN as an "also ran" but
spent most of his time in the TEN chat rooms rather than racing." Seems
Greg that you are an old "stir-monger" from way back?
> "Tom Pabst" <> wrote in message
> news:t2tJa.61617$hz1.147153@sccrnsc01...
> > Whoa, John!
> > If you are talking about Robert Huggins, then I think you better go do
> some
> > deep research of the issues.....because he was "accused" of cheating
> > circumstances that subsequent evidence never supported. At the time,
> > there's enough evidence that he was arbitrarily "kicked off TEN" by
> Papyrus
> > for not so noble reasons.....the excuse was that he was cheating.
> > was ever proven. I believe Robert's "response" was something along the
> > lines of "yes, I was cheating online.....but I was hired by Papyrus to
> > that in order to prove to them the flaws in their online coding for
> 3
> > (I believe it was N3....not totally sure about that)." He claims to
> > had some "political problems" subsequently with several individuals at
> > Papyrus.......and that he was "framed" as a cheater for that reason.
> > not sure of all of the details.....but my memory isn't too far
> off.....that
> > I am sure of.
> > I also can tell you that at the same time, I was having some problems
> > some Papyrus staff as well......but for entirely different and unrelated
> > things. But, these few individuals I had problems with....if they were
> also
> > ones that were involved with Robert's deal.......these guys were not
> beyond
> > doing something like that. I will tell you that I did not sit back and
> take
> > this crap from these people idly......I took it to Havaas.....and within
> > month all three of these individuals were mysteriously no longer working
> at
> > Papyrus! I'm not going to rehash old shit......but this occurred just
> after
> > the Huggins deal (by a few months) you can figure out the
> connection
> > yourself.
> > I would also like you to research how he has conducted himself since
> > and what he has contributed to this sim community's online racing
> > since then. He's a member of Black Hole Motorsports still, (I
> > believe).....and there's enough well respected people on that race team
> that
> > did enough "search and research" to satisfy themselves enough to have
> Robert
> > Huggins join the team (a couple years ago I believe). That, I would
> > think....should carry some weight with you as well. But, you should do
> your
> > own homework, too.
> > Finally, I will state emphatically that I am not friends with Robert
> > Huggins, that I have no ulterior motive for making these statements
> > him. I am only making them in the interest of fair play. I think you
> > making a mistake, John. That's the only reason I have responded to this
> > post.
> > My regards,
> > Tom Pabst
> >
> > "John Simmons" <a...@b.c> wrote in message
> >
> > > What was the name of that guy a few years ago that was caught
> > > cheating online?