really hard time with a few things, first:
Anytime 1 other driver was connected to a race I hosted, my throttle
sounds and the tach needle bounced up and down like two bunnies in
heat,making the car way unpredictable and causing several blown
this an anomoly, it's never happened before tonight, and I dont think it's
my throttle pot, offline it works fine, and online as well, if I'm alone.
Just a bad night? Second:
How is latency, or ping times, measured, and how do I find out what
times I'm getting out of my connection? Online, I see people discussing them
as though this info were readily available to them.What do I need?Third:
Who owns/runs/administers VROC? I love the racing, I think it's
better than Nascar2 on Ten, and I can't believe it's free!Kudos to whoever
keeps this thing going, I hope it's around to stay.
Thanks, Ed
Ed White DJ and Rusty in '99 GO#2 & #88