Hi Kostis,
Although 56k is great for browsing, it isn't great for online ***.
Keep in mind that 56k only is downstream, with other words, from your
ISP to your computer. Upstream, i.e. to your ISP, it isn't more then
33k. Also, when the quality of the phone line is - temporaly - less,
disco's are a sure thing.
So, when hosting you have to consider this 33k instead of 56k. 33k Is
good for 1 host and 2 clients, with the VROC core.ini. If you connect
as client, you only need 22k bandwith. Any more is overkill.
Bottom line: When racing online connect at 33k. Avoid any compression
to improve latency.
There are some....funny thing is, those non Lotus drivers seems to
have a more clean driving style.