Baseball and Americian football are American, noone outside gives a rats
arse and therefor doesnt send a team....I think we have yanks confusing
themselves and their self importance on the globe as usual here....
Its not a global sport therefor cannot be a World Champ..
NBA playoffs, are National Blah Association but then all yanks think the
world just consists of the US huh :)
Carts just a series for spics and is in no-way a WDC....
For me anything contained in the US is just a national series, just theres
so many spics in the US you can run your own WC signed NC's....anything that
doesnt have teams, competitors, and doesnt travel the globe or change place
of playing everytime, or on a cycle all over the globe is an
tennis tour, golf tour, F1, snooker, Atheletics, Olympics, Football WC,
F3000, sailing, rugby theses are World Sports with rounds played all over
the globe with different host nations for each years final.
*** off NBA, Superbowl are just US crap, and in noway have the right to be
called World sports...there are North American Sports with very little
interest anywhere else...I mean we play football with our feet, hense "foot"
and Rugby with our feet and hands, like the other 90% of countries playing
rugby. You dont see masters in rugby like NZ, Samoa, Austrialia sending
teams to the NFL do you, why, cause its just a US series and noone gives a
shit, this isnt a global WC sport....
> >Actually.. You're wrong on all counts. None of them are refered to as
> >World Championship. Atleast nowhere else in the world. Maybe in the
> >States, where the world is bordered by two oceans, and Canada and
> The "World Series" is a world championship. Players from other
> countries come to the united states to play baseball. The only players
> who leave the united states to play baseball are those who aren't good
> enough to play in the major leagues here.
> It might not seem like one since North America and the Far East are
> seemingly the only places in the world where the only real sport is
> played.
> The NBA playoffs are a world championship. The best players in the
> world come to the United States to play in the NBA.
> The Super Bowl is a world championship. The best players in the world
> come to the United States to play in the NFL.
> The only sport I can think of that bills itself as a "world
> championship" and isn't is F1. It's a world championship in western
> Europe, Japan, and Brazil. It's as much a world championship as CART.
> Jason