GPL on a TNT2?


GPL on a TNT2?

by Joe6 » Wed, 12 Apr 2000 04:00:00


I'm having trouble getting GPL to run on my TNT2-based system at work
(OpenGL patch). I've installed it, run the latest TNT2 drivers, and
selected OpenGL in GPL, but when I run the game it is a slide show
(literally, like one frame every 30-60 seconds).

Any suggestions?

Joe McGinn
Radical Entertainment

Ken Drouillar

GPL on a TNT2?

by Ken Drouillar » Wed, 12 Apr 2000 04:00:00

I run GPL successfully on the following system:

Diamond Viper 770 (non-ultra)
160MB Ram, etc
Win98 SE or Win2K
OpenGL beta 2 patch.
Core.ini set to mirrors every 2 frames.
Running the 5.13 reference drivers for Win98 from
Set OpenGL settings to "Use Block Transfer" under the advanced NVidia
Properties (can't remember exactly where).

The system bogs down a bit during starts and really busy activity to sub
20FPS.....during races with details turned a bit down I get near the 36 FPS
I would recommend the NVidia reference drivers (maybe even the 3.68 release
candidate drivers). Make sure you find out how to set the "Use Block
Transfer" option.

Don Scurlo

GPL on a TNT2?

by Don Scurlo » Wed, 12 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Sounds like more than a gpl problem. Even in software mode on a P90 I
saw better fps than that.
Can you get other games to run properly on this system ?
What's the processor ?
What else is running in the background ?
Do you have enough memory ?
What resolution ?

Don Scurlock

Joe McGi

GPL on a TNT2?

by Joe McGi » Wed, 12 Apr 2000 04:00:00

>Can you get other games to run properly on this system ?

Yes, it's an "office game system" that runs many, many games. Urban
Operations and Porsche Unleased are just two I've been playing

I believe it's an Ahtalon 700, though I'll have to double check.



I tried 1024x768 and 800x600. Any suggestions are appreciated. We want
to try some racing on our LAN.

Don Scurlo

GPL on a TNT2?

by Don Scurlo » Thu, 13 Apr 2000 04:00:00

You've got some kind of serious video issue. Are you using the 2.08
reference drivers ? They have been the best for gpl for me and a lot of
other TNT gplers.

>>Can you get other games to run properly on this system ?

>Yes, it's an "office game system" that runs many, many games. Urban
>Operations and Porsche Unleased are just two I've been playing

>>What's the processor ?

>I believe it's an Ahtalon 700, though I'll have to double check.

>>What else is running in the background ?


>>Do you have enough memory ?


>>What resolution ?

>I tried 1024x768 and 800x600. Any suggestions are appreciated. We want
>to try some racing on our LAN.

Don Scurlock
Keith Daniel

GPL on a TNT2?

by Keith Daniel » Thu, 13 Apr 2000 04:00:00

A tip in this ng that worked for me that fixed this type of symptom on my

-open your win.ini file
-find the section [DrawDib]
-change the line DVA=0 to DVA=1

don't know what it does, but my TNT was working OK, then at some point
(probably when I installed a recent game demo) this line was added, and I
got 0.2 frames/sec.  I changed it and now I'm back to racing GPL.

> Hi,

> I'm having trouble getting GPL to run on my TNT2-based system at work
> (OpenGL patch). I've installed it, run the latest TNT2 drivers, and
> selected OpenGL in GPL, but when I run the game it is a slide show
> (literally, like one frame every 30-60 seconds).

> Any suggestions?

> Joe McGinn
> _____________________
> Radical Entertainment

David L. Co

GPL on a TNT2?

by David L. Co » Thu, 13 Apr 2000 04:00:00


Where do I get the 2.08 drivers?

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