Stephen Roberts


by Stephen Roberts » Tue, 06 Jul 1999 04:00:00

Hi. Took out my Voodoo2 & put in a TNT2
Reinstalled GPL but now can only get crappy non 3D
'software' graphics. How do I set this game up for TNT2
is their a patch or am I missing the obvious?
TI Alexander Mar


by TI Alexander Mar » Tue, 06 Jul 1999 04:00:00

GPL doesn't support the TNT, but you can try the OpenGL beta
at, but since it's not as fast as GLIDE
i'd consider putting the v2 back in (you can use both cards).
Jan Hoviu


by Jan Hoviu » Tue, 06 Jul 1999 04:00:00

Hi Steven,

I think you should get the OpenGL Beta driver.
TNT doesn't support Glide!


> Hi. Took out my Voodoo2 & put in a TNT2
> Reinstalled GPL but now can only get crappy non 3D
> 'software' graphics. How do I set this game up for TNT2
> is their a patch or am I missing the obvious?

< 1K Download
Chris Schlette


by Chris Schlette » Wed, 07 Jul 1999 04:00:00

<cough>  Lets not spread wrong information here.  GPL DOES support the
TNT/TNT2 and other OpenGL compatible cards (that have full OpenGL
ICDs)...although as Eric has mentioned many times the TNT cards seem to work
best.  By downloading the beta OpenGL patch for the game (which adds another
3D rasterizer to the mix: Glide, Rendition, OpenGL and Software) it does
indeed support OpenGL.

And no, the TNT2 is far far faster than a single Voodoo2, and still faster
than 2 Voodoo2 in SLI.

So to the original poster, go to the site and download the
OpenGL beta.  I've found that I had to boot up GPL under the Voodoo2 card,
select software, shut GPL down, open up GPL and select OpenGL.  Then I could
shut down GPL, unplug the Voodoo2s out of the loop and start GPL again and
run under OpenGL on the TNT2Ultra.

Alexander Mar


by Alexander Mar » Wed, 07 Jul 1999 04:00:00

It's not wrong information, it's based on my personal experience and the
experience of many others - and in this case I rate my personal experience
higher than stupid ads

I own a TNT and 2 Voodoo2's in SLI and I have already tested a Diamond V770
card with both GPL, the TNT is FAR slower in GPL than the V2s and TNT2 isn't
much better than the original TNT. Of course it's heavily CPU dependant, but
on my avg. Celeron machine the V2s are far superiour to the nVidia-powered
cards. Everytime a sim supports Glide, you get better performance when using
a Voodoo - period. And I know people that are really pissed off cause they
sold their "terribly outdated" V2, paid 300$ for a TNT2 Ultra and now get
worse performance in nearly all their sims and games

wow, they can play at 1600x1200 32bit color at 4fps

But - if you can afford it - you can always havethe "best of both worlds"
because the v2 is an addon card.



by AssRippp » Wed, 07 Jul 1999 04:00:00

I feel the same way GPL playes smother and the graphics are much better on my
VooDoo2 12meg card than on my V770ultra.


Will they work together if i add the voodoo in with the ULTRA?

Ken Bear


by Ken Bear » Wed, 07 Jul 1999 04:00:00

It should - the Voodoo2 and the TNT2 will coexist fine, especially for Glide
stuff it'll never see the TNT2.  Most D3D / OpenGL games will give you an
option of which adapter to use, most of the time that'd be where the TNT2 is
earning it's keep.  A few games will only use one or the other (probably the
TNT2 since it's the "primary" adapter) but there are programs that will
allow you to set the default D3D device.

Ken's Sig 3.0

"Who is the more foolish?  The fool, or the fool who follows him?" - Obi-Wan

Go #43 and #44!

volksy (at) geocities (dot) com
volksy (at) yahoo (dot) com

Chris Schlette


by Chris Schlette » Thu, 08 Jul 1999 04:00:00

Yup, they will work just fine together.  But the graphics are better via the
TNT2Ultras, really.  They aren't any sharper, etc, etc as they are all
16bit, but the framerate is higher and the colors have a bit more depth to
them.  Its not real obvious, even if you switch back and forth between
rasterizers, but I have a P2400 and a Celeron466 at home, so its easy to
compare.  But anyways, I'm not saying anything about Voodoo2SLI/3 not being
a good solution for GPL, just that the TNT2 are not a bad one either.

Chris Schlette


by Chris Schlette » Thu, 08 Jul 1999 04:00:00

Its one thing to say "this is what I experienced" than to just say it
doesn't work.

A TNT is of course going to be slower than 2 Voodoo2s in SLI, however a TNT
works as well as a single Voodoo2 on GPL.

However, I beg to differ on the TNT2 being not much better than the original
TNT.  I have 2 different types of TNT2s (Diamond 770 and Hercules
TNT2Ultra), a CL TNT, and 2 Voodoo2 in SLI.  I tried the TNT on the machine
(P2400), before getting the TNT2 to make sure the OpenGL ICD for NVidia
worked on my machine, did fine.  It was not as fast as the 2 Voodoo2s, but
yet it was better than just one.  The TNT2 however, was slightly faster than
2 Voodoo2s and gave richer color, its sore point was the mirrors.  The
TNT2Ultra however was much faster than all the other cards by a good margin.

And if you are paying $300 bucks for a TNT2 card, you are getting ripped
off.  Check around.  The Hercules card you could order for $250 (with
shipping and that was for the DVD/TV out version.  The non-DVD/TV-out was
like 215 or so) from Hercules themselves, and the stores that had the
770Ultra were about $225 in my area.  Both are a far cry from $300 bucks.

<deeper sarcasm>
wow, GPL doesn't even run in 32bit, but Quake3 does.

Oh, what if you can run at Voodoo3 3000 at 1600x1200 16bit at
</deeper sarcasm>

Voodoo2s are fairly cheap, but yes you can have the somewhat best of one
world and one of the best of the new world.

Peter Kuijpe


by Peter Kuijpe » Thu, 08 Jul 1999 04:00:00

Apart from downloading the (beta) OpenGL driver, as other already mentioned in
this newgroup, there is a *** issue with the way the mirrors are handled. From
what I understand of it, the mirrors are drawn using a standard
OpenGL-instruction, which should work fine. However, this particular instruction
is often not implemented very efficiently. Simply put, for each mirror about the
same computational effort is needed as is for the 'forward'-view (forward view
plus two mirrors => three times the amount of work!).

There's a workaround however. You can configure GPL to draw only part the
mirrors on each frame-update of the forward-view. It sure looks funny, and is
not ideal, but it works and the game is still very drivable.

Look in the readme-file that comes with the OpenGL driver for details.

Good luck,
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